10 Things You Didn't Know About Jumanji

9. The True Meaning Of Jumanji

Jumanji Box
TriStar Pictures

Jumanji is not just some made up word, picked out of thin air by the original writer. It is actually derived from the Zulu language, and roughly translates as "many effects", which is a very fitting name when you take a moment to think about it.

There are many different twists and turns within the Jumanji story, many different paths to choose from and countless consequences for a players actions. Original author Van Allsburg wanted his book, and the subsequent board game within it, to reflect this in its title, while also sounding exotic and exciting.

In the movie version, Judy and Peter Shepherd are faced with a multitude of different dangers after joining up with Alan, including man eating crocodiles, stampeding angry elephants, a great flood, a nasty big-game hunter, and more CGI monkeys than you can shake a banana at.

All of these "many effects" are a direct result of the choices they make while playing Jumanji, so Van Allsburg really nailed the title when he dreamed it up.

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.