10 Things You Didn't Know About Jumanji

2. Parrish Shoes Forever

Jumanji Box
TriStar Pictures, Inc.

The Parrish Shoes sign that hung over Alan's father's factory in the movie can still be seen today if you ever want to pay a visit to Keene in New Hampshire, which is where much of the filming took place.

During production, the team painted the sign solely for the purpose of using it in the movie, but the people of Keene grew so fond of Robin Williams that they chose to preserve it in his honour. This love for the funny man even extended to the Mayor of Keene giving Williams the key to the city, and making him an honourable resident.

Following Robin's death in 2014, the heartbroken residents payed homage by transforming various locations within the town into those of the actors most beloved movies, and organising a public screening of Jumanji.

This also resulted in the Parrish Shoes sign becoming something of a shrine for fans to visit and leave flowers or pictures of Williams, one that still stands today if you're ever in the neighbourhood and wanted to show your respects.

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.