10 Things You Didn't Know About The Cabin In The Woods

2. Unused Monster Concepts Were Kind Of Vaginaphobic

Teeth Movie
Roadside Attractions

Both the concept art in the movie's tie-in visual companion book and The Cabin In The Woods novelization reveal that, beyond the sixty different monsters that did make an appearance in the movie, there were several others considered which didn't make the cut.

These included a shark-creature, a pirate, a minotaur, a seaweed monster, a dog with the head of an alligator, and a version of the Creature From The Black Lagoon (this was before Guillermo del Toro had turned him into a desirable romantic leading man).

There is a bit of a theme to some of the rejected monsters, though, and it revolves around the horrific potential of female anatomy.

The Cabin In The Woods novelization features such gynocentric nightmare fuel as a woman with "vagina dentata" (the urban legend of a castrating set of teeth inside the vagina, as depicted in cult horror fave Teeth) and another with a mound of Medusa-style snakes for pubic hair.

You can probably tell why this material didn't make the cut, even in an R-rated movie. It was probably for the best, though, as none of this would have helped with the decline of Whedon's former reputation as an icon of geeky feminism.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies