10 Things You Didn't Know About The Cabin In The Woods

1. Monster Cameos Include Creatures From Left 4 Dead 2 And A Reaver From Serenity

Cabin in the Woods Cubes

Even without some of the rejected options, the huge array of monsters that we see in the shifting cage cubes inside the Facility is still an impressive roster of iconic genre tropes with a few curveballs thrown in (one of them is literally just a cat).

The eagle eyed can probably spot a few interesting cameos, including a boomer, charger, hunter, smoker, tank and witch from the game Left 4 Dead 2 and one of the mad, cannibalistic reavers from Whedon's earlier movie Serenity (and its TV predecessor Firefly, although they never truly appeared in person in that).

While the reasoning for the latter is a clear nod to the writer-producer's other work, the use of the former is a bit less obvious.

The creatures' appearance is all that remains of a once proposed tie-in deal between Valve and MGM in which the former's survival shooter would have added downloadable content allowing players to blast their way through the movie's cabin and facility.

Unfortunately, just as it set the release of the movie back years, so too did the MGM bankruptcy put paid to the game tie-in. But at least it gave Goddard and Whedon a bunch of cool monsters to make the scene look even more packed.


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