10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force
The incredible abilities, secrets, and facts about the Force you (probably) never knew.

The galaxy far, far away is an incredibly diverse and fascinating place, with this being a universe which boasts magical space wizards fighting over the fate of its worlds, freedom fighters trying to bring down oppressive Empires, a whole host of weird and wonderful creatures, and so much more.
But the one thing that ties all of those elements together in the Star Wars franchise is the legendary invisible power known as the Force.
Whether talked about as a more spiritual and mysterious entity as it was during the original trilogy, or discussed in more scientific terms as it later would be in the prequels, the Force's all-important presence is felt in just about every Star Wars tale that has ever existed.
But even after having midi-chlorians painfully explained to you in Episode I - The Phantom Menace, watching folks levitate many a rock or choking the life out of their enemies, and learning a ton about this energy field created by all living things on the big-screen in particular, there's still an awful lot you (probably) don't know - or possibly even just forgot - about the Force.
Like you likely weren't aware of some of the different names it went by across this galaxy, or some of the utterly insane things some Force-users were able to actually pull off when using it.
Without further ado then, it's time to learn a little more about the Force.
10. The Jedi Used Force Lightning In Legends

Kicking things off with a bang, one of the most impressive abilities ever unleashed by Force users in the galaxy far, far away comes in the form of the lightning shot out of many a figure walking around on the dark side.
The likes of Emperor Palpatine and Count Dooku are the most famous Star Wars big bads to strike down their enemies with bolts of electricity from their fingers - though, according to Cavan Scott's Dooku: Jedi Lost canon novel, Dooku would actually first use it as a Jedi before his fall to the dark side.
Rey was technically the first Jedi to shock on the big-screen during Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, when she accidentally fired electricity at the ship she thought was carrying Chewbacca.
However, they're actually not the only times Jedi have used this powerful Force technique.
If you've never really wandered into the Expanded Universe of Star Wars you probably didn't know that the likes of Plo Koon and Luke Skywalker have used a version of this power in various Legends books, such as Ryder Windham's Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force and Troy Denning's Crucible.
Here though, the ability goes by the name of Electric Judgment, and comes in a few different colours, with golden and green lightning being directed towards adversaries by these Jedi.
This didn't change the fact that it was still seen as a bit of taboo and corruptive weapon within the Jedi Order, however, with this technique often linked to anger even being put onto the "Forbidden Force Techniques" list.
Jedi Knights were also strictly not allowed to use it.