10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

9. A High M-Count Doesn't Mean You're Guaranteed To Be Strong With The Force

Star Wars Yaddle Force Power

It's explained during Episode I - The Phantom Menace that young Anakin Skywalker shockingly has a midi-chlorian count higher than even Master Yoda. 

However, even with that being the case, a high midi-chlorian count doesn't simply equate to being super Force-sensitive and strong with the Force.

That number actually just explains how much potential a person has to become a powerful Force-user, with an awful lot of training still being needed to turn that notable M-count into an individual capable of wielding the Force.

The average Jedi Master boasted an M-count of between 10,000-14,000, with Master Yoda having an impressive 17,700-count and 'The Chosen One' blowing that out of the water with a ridiculous 27,700, according to the Legends Star Wars: Graphics reference book (via Reddit).

However, those pages also revealed that none other than General Grievous actually had a surprisingly high M-count, too, possessing an 11,900-per-cell midi-chlorian count - that's higher than bloody Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon!

Again, though, that strong number, created in Legends due to Grievous being infused with midi-chlorian-rich blood from Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to help him heal from the numerous operations needed to transform him into a cyborg menace, didn't automatically mean he would be Force-sensitive. 

And though he frustratingly wasn't gifted Force-sensitivity after the infusion, that still didn't stop him from taking down many a Jedi and nicking their lightsabers for good measure.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...