10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

3. Mushrooms On A Force-Sensitive Planet Showed Luke Skywalker Ahch-To

Star Wars Yaddle Force Power

You've likely heard a number of characters within the galaxy far, far away discuss different kinds of vergences in the Force.

These come in many different shapes and sizes, of course, from entire planets to little podrace-champions-turned-evil-Lords-of-the-Sith.

In short, they're extraordinarily concentrated amounts of Force energy found in a single place, thing, or person.

And one of those was actually discovered by Luke Skywalker in the pages of Charles Soule's Star Wars #20 comic. 

It's during his quest to learn more about certain vergences in the Force out in the galaxy that he learned of the Living Sea of Gazian - a living planet found in the Mid Rim's Gazian system.

Said "living sea" actually consisted of a ton of mushrooms, with all of these boasting hallucinatory spores that Luke ended up experiencing first-hand when he fell into the fungus. And it was after tumbling into the shrooms that something remarkable happened.

In this area that was incredibly strong with the Force, Luke conversed with the imprint of a Jedi Master called Elzar Mann - the planet took imprints of the minds of those who came to the world and was able to recreate them as they were at the exact moment they visited. 

And long before he'd end up exiling himself there after the fall of his own Jedi Temple, Luke also actually saw a vision of Ahch-To - the birthplace of the Jedi Order and place where Skywalker would eventually become one with the Force.

So, not only was there a Force-sensitive world of mushrooms out there in this galaxy, it also showed Luke the first glimpse of his future in a way.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...