10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

2. Morichro

Star Wars Yaddle Force Power

She may not have had a lot to say for herself on the big-screen, but you better believe that Jedi Master Yaddle secretly had one hell of a Force power up her sleeves, people.

Also known as the Touch of Death (!) within the Star Wars franchise, you probably didn't know that Yaddle was one of the only people on the Jedi Council allowed to use the incredibly dangerous Morichro Force ability.

Again classed as a "forbidden" technique to Jedi Knights in the Expanded Universe, this shocking power actually slowed down a person's biological functions. That meant that breathing and your heart rate were in big trouble the minute Yaddle decided to go full Morichro on you.

But it was also a ridiculously useful tool for the person capable of using it, too, with said Force-user being able to use the ability on themselves to go without food, water, or even air for some time if they really needed to.

If one doesn't keep a close eye on the person they're using Morichro on, though, there's a chance the target could actually end up dying, making it one hell of a scary weapon. 

It's not hard to see why this Force lesson wasn't taught right after a Padawan had lifted their first pebble.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...