10 Things You Didn't Know About The Predator

8. History With The Xenomorph

Aliens Vs Predator
20th Century Fox

Given that Yautjas spend their lives hunting and collecting trophies of their worthy adversaries, it makes sense they’d have a favourite. Xenomorphs are regarded as the ultimate hunt as they are such a perfect killing machine.

Yautjas use xenomorphs to initiate unblooded youngsters into wider society. And I thought prom was a bad enough rite of passage. These renowned sci-fi beasties have been having punch ups for centuries, including on earth!

Xenomorphs were held captive before being released as a ritualistic massacre thousands of years ago. Never thought I’d feel sorry for a Xenomorph but here we are I suppose.

We see an example of Yautjas building these hunting grounds in 2004’s Alien vs. Predator movie, which I’m pretty sure Ellen Ripley would really, really not appreciate.

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Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.