10 Things You Didn’t Know Actors Were BANNED From Doing

1. David Prowse Was Banned From All Star Wars Events

James Bond GoldenEye Pierce Brosnan Ban

In order to bring the most iconic movie villain of all time to life on-screen, the mighty vocals of James Earl Jones were often combined with the towering physique of the late David Prowse during the original Star Wars trilogy.

Despite being such an important piece of those game-changing films, though, the one-time bodybuilder eventually found himself on the outside looking in when it came to one specific part of the Star Wars experience.

Prowse had clashed with Star Wars creator George Lucas a number of times over the years, with the Darth Vader performer being accused of spoiling a few big moments in the trilogy. The actor also made it clear that he wasn't happy about his voice being dubbed over in Lucas' movies.

And in the end, things got so tense between Lucas and Prowse that the latter was ultimately banned from all Star Wars conventions in 2010. The actor wasn't given any specific reason for his presence being forbidden at these events, only that he'd "burnt too many bridges" with Lucasfilm.

Despite Lucasfilm not allowing the actor to appear at those Star Wars gatherings, though, Lucas would still go out of his way to pay tribute to this integral part of those first movies in the wake of his passing, stating that "David was up for anything and contributed to the success of what would become a memorable, tragic figure. May he rest in peace." 

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