10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

1. It's NOT Actually The Worst Star Wars Movie Ever Made Anymore

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

For over 15 years, just about every Star Wars fan out there had a go-to answer when it came to their undisputed least-favourite Star Wars picture.

And it wasn't that difficult to understand why, really.

The move from shooting on film for The Phantom Menace to digital for Attack of the Clones definitely took something away from the overall experience, with the visuals just not feeling as sharp as in that former prequel.

Also, Lucas' decision to rely heavily on blue-screen backgrounds and CGI in general, while definitely a bold one, ultimately led to a film which now feels more like a giant digital experiment than an attempt to create a good-looking and cohesive piece of cinema.

Yet, even with all that said, as this list has shown, Attack of the Clones still has enough going for it to safely move away from that bottom spot in a post-sequel trilogy world.

Sure, it isn't a perfect watch (or rewatch) by any means. But at least Lucas had the guts to do something unexpected and take the galaxy far, far away in an entirely new direction with his prequel baby.

The same could not be said for the overly nostalgic mess that was Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, a film that lacked any real originality, rarely made sense, and has now safely usurped Episode II as the worst of the Skywalker Saga bunch.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...