10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

2. The Fight Choreography Is Noticeably Worse Than Episode I

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

Especially in the wake of recently taking in the lightsaber duelling masterpiece that is the Duel of the Fates on the big-screen, Episode II's laser sword choreography feels like a massive backwards step on a rewatch.

Now Lucas and co. could obviously only do so much with a Christopher Lee who was 79 (!) at the time of shooting his lightsaber duels with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Yoda. 

But even after digitally slapping his face onto a stunt double for big chunks of these fights, the end result still doesn't feel anywhere near as intense, creative, or exciting as the prior film's climactic laser sword action.

The lightsaber light show moment was a nice attempt to do something a little different as Anakin and Dooku duke it out before the former's arm is sliced off, sure. But even that ended up feeling more like a Force-sensitive rave than a pulsating showdown.

And as noted, that flubber Yoda nonsense has aged horribly, too, with the visual of the Master opting to pull out a tiny little lightsaber and bounce around the hanger turning an icon into a joke in a matter of minutes.

That Kenobi/Fett slip-and-slide Kamino fight, though? Now there's a good time, right there.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...