10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

5. The Sound Design Is Next Level At Points

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

Keeping with that pair of Fett legends, the noise Jango - and masterful sound designer Ben Burtt - gifted the world during his asteroid field chase with Obi-Wan Kenobi simply gets better with every breathtaking watch of it.

But throughout your return to this spell in the galaxy far, far away, you soon remember that these epic seismic charge explosions - which Burtt effectively described as an "audio black hole" - are just one of the many tremendous pieces of sound design present in Attack of the Clones.

Things like the thunderous noise of an entire Trade Federation ship dropping back down to the sandy Geonosian land with an almighty thud, various distinct and unsettling roars of the Acklay, Nexu, and Reek trying to rip apart our heroes in the arena, and whizzing sound of Coruscant traffic soaring through the sky all help make the unbelievable visuals seen on-screen feel somewhat real.

The galaxy far, far away obviously boasts a ton of iconic sound effects, with many of the most celebrated originally showing up in the original trilogy. But a rewatch of Episode II makes you realise that Burtt and the gang's impressive work in this middle-prequel doesn't get anywhere near as much love as it deserves.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...