10 Things You Learn From Re-Watching Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

4. Yoda Is Extremely Unhelpful In A Battle Situation

Attack of the Clones Best Scene

With Master Yoda ultimately being remembered more for his still hugely silly, flippy duel with Dooku than anything else he did during that First Battle of Geonosis, it's easy to forget that he was also intentionally a bit of a pain in the ass as a Jedi General on the frontline here.

Thanks to the iconic way this little green legend chooses to utter his words, there's more than a few occasions which stand out as all kinds of unhelpful during a rewatch of that all-timer of a Star Wars battle.

Take the moment he arrives on the scene with his new clone pals. Instead of giving out a clear order here, something that could be the difference between life and death in a war zone, Yoda utters the clunky command of "around the survivors, a perimeter create." Erm, OK boss.

Robot Chicken would brilliantly poke fun at this bizarre moment in particular a few years back, but even without knowledge of that sketch it still feels incredibly jarring when watched back today. 

And making matters worse, after delivering more back-to-front orders, Yoda then just goes back to speaking like a normal being when telling his troops to "concentrate all your fire on the nearest starship."

So, he could talk fine this whole time and was just being awkward for the hell of it, basically.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...