10 Things You Learn Revisiting Star Trek: First Contact For First Contact Day

5. Adam Scott

Star Trek First Contact

In a very short scene, the wonderful Adam Scott appears as the pilot of the USS Defiant and.... is never seen again. Now a well known name thanks to Parks and Recreation, along with a host of movie roles, this was an early entry in Scott's IMDB credit list. Scott is well known as a Sci-Fi fan and one only has to Google his reaction to Mark Hamill surprising him to see that this is true. In an interview later, Scott addressed his wish to return to this first, fantastic role in Star Trek.

Although my character did pass away, I feel there is more to explore there. Something like a prequel. There's so much more we can do here.

Well, that does answer the question of the character's fate, unfortunately. Star Trek has been a franchise that has seen many different famous faces walk the decks of the different ships. Many comedians and great actors either appeared early in their careers or graced the franchise with late additions. This small role, which may be a blink and you'll miss it cameo, is now a nice little moment for fans of Parks and Rec.

The fact that Scott's character Ben Wyatt is an admitted nerd on the show, displaying huge love for Sci-Fi and going so far as to write Star Trek fan fic only adds to the fun.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick