10 Things You Learn Rewatching Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers (1989)

4. The Man In Black Falls Flat

Halloween 5
Trancas International

Easily the worst thing about Halloween 5 is the inclusion of the Man in Black.

Introduced early in the film and just kind of kept in the background for the majority of its runtime. He wears all black, has steel-toed boots, and has the same tattoo on his wrist as Michael. That's all the audience ever finds out about the character because even the filmmakers had no idea what they were doing with this guy. As Danielle Harris later said;

"They decided to add in this guy mid-way through to make up for things that were falling short, I guess."

Franchise producer Moustapha Akkad was unhappy with some Othenin-Girard's narrative choices in the film and felt the film was missing something. So in an attempt to appease him, several mysterious Man in Black cutaways were shot and hastily edited throughout the film, with the mentality being that they would figure out the answer in the next film.

Not only does this character's inclusion weaken the final minutes of this film, it also sets the franchise down a path that only leads to an even more convoluted mythology being made up for the sixth film, all in an attempt to explain this choice that was just made up on the spot.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.