10 Things You Learn Rewatching Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers (1989)

5. The Smaller Scale Works

Halloween 5
Trancas International

Cleverly, this film scales things way back.

If you'll recall, one of Halloween 4's biggest issues was the way in which it handled raising the franchise's stakes. It made Michael a near-omnipotent antagonist who could be everywhere at once and destroy the entire town in a matter of hours.

But Halloween 5 mercifully sees Othenin-Girard scaling things way back. Gone are the big action setpieces of an entire SWAT team shooting at Michael and back are the slow-moving sequences of Michael simply being a voyeur and stalking his prey.

In fact, this film's finale seems to purposefully whittle itself down to its bare essentials. The SWAT team and all of the cops are called away from the final battle, so as to purposefully leave only the three main characters and have the conflict exist solely between them.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.