10 Things You Learn Rewatching Halloween II (2009)

8. The Strange And Delightful Cameos

Halloween 2
Dimension Films

Generally speaking, Rob Zombie films are populated with the same character actors over and over again. Zombie has said publically before that he enjoys working with actors numerous times because he loves the way they "develop a shorthand" and the fact that repeat actors "always give you more".

But for the first time in the history of Zombie's filmography, this film does not feature his regular crew of character actors like Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, and Tom Towles. Instead, Zombie populates the peripheries of this film with well-established actors and celebrities he admires and the results are surprisingly fun.

Years before her breakout role in The Help would cement her status as an Academy darling, Octavia Spencer appeared as a nurse in this film and got the prestigious honor of being the only character in the film that Michael kills with his classic 'hero' butcher knife. Sons of Anarchy regulars, Dayton Callie and Mark Boone Junior both make brief appearances as characters who meet grisly ends. Even Weird Al Yankovic gets in on the fun, appearing as himself on a talk show, ribbing Dr. Loomis, and making a Michael Myers/Austin Powers joke years before Edgar Wright made it cool in Baby Driver.

There are others, (we're not touching that painful Chris Hardwicke appearance with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot-pole) but the most profound of the bunch is resident badass, Lois Lane herself, Margot Kidder playing Barbara Collier, Laurie's therapist. Her appearances are brief and she basically just gets yelled at by Laurie, but it is undeniably great to see her on-screen again.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.