10 Things You Missed In Star Wars Deleted Scenes

4. Camie & Fixer's First Appearances - A New Hope

Star Wars A New Hope Han Solo Jenny

One of A New Hope's most famous deleted scenes takes place at Tosche Station, where Luke crosses paths with his childhood friend Biggs Darklighter (Garrick Hagon).

Though in the final cut of the movie Biggs is only seen in the climactic battle against the Death Star where he perishes, this deleted scene adds depth to his relationship with Luke and in turn makes his demise a good deal more meaningful.

Biggs' presence in the deleted scene is prominent enough that it's incredibly easy to miss what else is going on around him - namely the scene introducing fans to two other characters who have their own strange significance to the franchise.

In the scene, Luke and Biggs are accompanied by an unnamed woman and man who are identified in the movie's novelisation as Camie Marstrap (Koo Stark) and Laze "Fixer" Loneozner (Anthony Forrest).

If Camie and Fixer might seem like totally throwaway characters, they've got decidedly more fleshed-out roles in the novelisation, and Camie was even mentioned in The Last Jedi's novelisation, where Luke dreams of an alternate life where he married her.

Oh, and Camie and Fixer both had cameo appearances in The Book of Boba Fett's second episode, where they can be briefly seen in a flashback on Tosche Station as now played by Mandy Kowalski and Skyler Bible respectively.

And yet, we were all so fixated on Luke getting some extra interaction with Biggs throughout this deleted scene that it's easy to ignore Camie and Fixer almost entirely.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.