10 Things You Need To Know About Kylo Ren

9. He€™s Not Working Alone

As the trailers show us, Kylo Ren clearly isn€™t a lone wolf. In fact, he€™s got quite the pack around him. For a start, he€™s surrounded with his own platoon of First Order Stormtroopers. And those guys aren€™t his only allies, either. We know for a fact that Kylo isn€™t the top dog within The First Order, the military junta built from the leftovers of the Galactic Empire. The would be Supreme Leader Snoke, Andy Serkis€™ as-yet-unseen character who €œwas critical in the seduction of Ren to the dark side,€ according to Empire Magazine. Snoke is the Emperor equivalent to Kylo€™s Vader, to use the parlance of the original Star Wars trilogy. With that in mind, it seems safe to assume that Domhnall Gleeson€™s General Hux €“ seen in various promotional materials wearing a big black coat €“ is The Force Awakens€™ Gran Moff Tarkin-alike military mastermind. Captain Phasma €“ Gwendolyn Christie€™s chrome-covered character €“ is a member of The First Order too, it would seem. With all this in mind, it€™s clear that Kylo Ren isn€™t working alone. Although he€™s the most eye-catching baddie in the trailers, he isn€™t the only one. There€™s a complicated hierarchy of evil here, and he€™s just one cog in the machine. Whether he€™s a nice chap to work with remains to be seen.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.