10 Things You Need To Know About Mission: Impossible 5

1. It Doesn't Have An Ending

World War Z was one of the most troubled productions in recent memory, but its success both critically and financially proved that behind the scenes drama doesn't always mean that moviegoers should be worried. However, it now sounds like Mission: Impossible 5 is undergoing similar problems, as production has been halted at the time of writing, with McQuarrie reportedly "scrambling" to come up with a new ending for the movie. He's apparently working with a writer friend (who will neither be paid nor credited), and while one studio insider claimed that "Chris, Tom and a third person wanted to take a minute to get from what they thought was a good place to a more perfect place," it's still hard not to be concerned by the news. It by no means that Mission: Impossible 5 is doomed of course, but everyone involved will need to get a move on to meet that release date.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.