10 Things You Need To Know About Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4

4. Bruce Campbell Might've Got A Lead Part

Sony Pictures

All of which is mostly bad news, and is probably making everyone feeling pretty blessed that Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4 never happened. It was also a missed opportunity, however: the director wanted to make his long-time collaborator and victim Bruce Campbell into a proper star with the movie. Campbell was the star of Raimi's first film, the low-budget horror film The Evil Dead, and was the breakout star of its sequels too. Since then, the director has tried to get him into every big-budget production he makes, which lead to a series of small cameo roles in each Spider-Man film. He was a ring announcer in the first film, snooty usher in the second, and a maître d€™ who actually played a significant role in the third's plot (such as it was). Apparently the fourth film would've had him playing an actual character. Spider-Man Vs Ash?


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/