10 Times Actors Thought They Were Fired For Sure

6. Al Pacino - The Godfather

Johnny Depp Captain Jack Sparrow
Paramount Pictures

Alongside Marlon Brando, the actor most synonymous with Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather is undoubtedly the masterful Al Pacino. Evolving from an honest Marine to the head of his family's crime organisation, few actors have ever delivered the goods in quite the way the legendary thespian did when bringing Michael Corleone to the big screen.

However, his stunning work wasn't always held in such high regard. Paramount actually felt Pacino was the completely wrong actor for the job upon witnessing some early footage for the film, and were fully set on getting rid of the star just a few weeks into production. Pacino was fully aware of the studio's gripes about his performance, but he had a powerful ally in Coppola, who fought tooth and nail to keep hold of his man.

In the end, Pacino has since confirmed that it was his work in the iconic restaurant scene within the picture which managed to bring those unconvinced studio heads around to the idea of what he was trying to achieve with Michael.

Without that brilliant sequence, perhaps Pacino may not have gone on to become the household name he is today...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...