10 Times Film-Makers Ruined Their Own Damn Movies
5. Rocky Morton & Annabel Jankel Ignore Super Mario Bros.' Source
It’s no secret that movie adaptations of video games are typically awful and the movie that kicked off that whole trend – the very trend that would later give us such films as Street Fighter, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and all those bloody Resident Evil films – was the cinematic abortion otherwise known as Super Mario Bros.
Rather than targeting Super Mario Bros. young demographic by actually basing the movie even slightly on the game, directors Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel decided to instead go the cyberpunk-inspired dystopia route in an attempt to appeal to adult audiences - because why the f*ck not?
This ill-advised vision combined with the directing duo’s relative lack of experience resulted in one of the early 90s most shambolic productions ever. So terrible in fact that Bob Hoskins, who later called the experience “a f*ckin’ nightmare”, and his co-star John Leguizamo took to downing shots in between takes just to get through filming.
Though studio execs tried to intervene and guide the movie down a more faithful and kid-friendly route, the damage was already done with even Morton himself eventually deeming the movie a “humiliation”.