10 Times Film-Makers Ruined Their Own Damn Movies

4. Zack Snyder Goes For Style Again - Sucker Punch

Donnie Darko
Warner Bros

Described by the director himself as “Alice in Wonderland with machines guns”, Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch had all the makings of a great film with its female focused cast and promises of badass female empowerment but in reality the asylum-cum-brothel set fantasy fell way short of the mark.

After a good few critics pointed out that Sucker Punch, though visually arresting, is not much more than a two-hour long excuse to watch beautiful women wielding big guns and fighting monsters while not wearing very much clothing, Snyder handily claimed his movie is actually a critique of sexist geek culture – a lofty claim considering the film plays out like a fetishistic rape fantasy plucked straight from B-movie exploitation flicks of yore.

Even ignoring its more problematic elements, Sucker Punch is little more than a series of cool-looking scenes that culminate in a largely shallow and forgettable film. Like many of Zack Snyder’s films, it’s another case of style over substance.

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