10 Times Horror Movies Got Weapons Wrong

4. Blenders Can't Penetrate Bone - You're Next

You're Next

You're Next features one of the most memorable horror movie kills of the last decade in its grisly third act, when well-trained protagonist Erin (Sharni Vinson) kills Felix (Nicholas Tucci) by smashing a blender over his head, digging the blade into his skull, and then turning the thing on.

In the scene, a fountain of blood quickly leaks from Felix's head, with the implication that his brain has effectively been turned to mush. It makes for a stomach-churning kill, though it's also a massive exaggeration of a blender's potential lethality.

To begin with, most modern blender blades can't even deal well with frozen fruit or vegetables, and while they're certainly capable of grinding up smaller animal bones, the idea of a blender penetrating a 7mm-thick human skull so efficiently is pretty ridiculous.

While jamming a blender blade into someone's head could certainly cause a traumatic injury, there's no chance you'd be able to get it deep enough to turn their brain to Swiss cheese, not to mention the resistance a human brain situated inside a skull would put up against the blender blades.

Sure, not all blenders are created equal, but this just wouldn't work at all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.