10 Times Horror Movies Got Weapons Wrong
5. The Literally Impossible Codpiece Revolver - From Dusk Till Dawn

From Dusk Till Dawn is a ludicrously entertaining and shamelessly silly horror classic, yet even in a movie where a sleazy strip club finds itself overrun by vampires, the most ridiculous thing just might be that gun.
When biker Sex Machine (horror makeup legend Tom Savini) is confronted by a fellow bar patron, his codpiece suddenly flips over, revealing a distinctly phallic-looking revolver underneath, complete with testicular bullet cylinders.
It's an hilarious gag, but the film never elaborates on the actual mechanics of the gun, presumably because there's no conceivable way for it to make sense.
For starters, even if we accept the dubious prospect that it's fired by pelvic thrusts, how the hell is it even loaded? And isn't there a major risk of penile damage to the user per the gun's recoil? Asking the important questions here, clearly.