10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

9. Sloppily Including A Franchise Staple - Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Rey
Paramount Pictures

The 2009 Star Trek reboot was a critical and commercial success, and it served to bring the franchise back into the mainstream after the failure of Nemesis back in 2002. Despite this, a sizable number of Trekkies felt that the J.J. Abrams-directed sci-fi epic hewed too closely to the likes of Star Wars, and missed the more contemplative feel of the original series.

2016’s Star Trek Beyond was able to achieve a balance between the two tones, but before that came Into Darkness. The 2013 mega-picture, while well-received by mainstream audiences, angered long-time fans due to its doubling down on its predecessor’s sensibilities, as well as its depiction of Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). 

While Cumberbatch acquitted himself well in the role, he was not the right fit for the iconic role due to the whitewashing behind it. In addition, this version of Khan did not reach the highs of The Wrath of Khan and felt like it came too early in the journeys of the likes of Kirk and Spock.

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