10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

8. Getting The Band Back Together Was A Misfire - Jurassic World: Dominion

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Rey

The recently concluded Jurassic World trilogy is an odd beast in the context of Hollywood tentpole. Each film has grossed north of a billion dollars, but none of them have established themselves as pop-culture mainstays, let alone even movies capable of recapturing the magic of Steven Spielberg's iconic 1993 original.

Jurassic World Dominion is the worst offender of the trio, with its absurd (but not amusing) dialogue, confounding locust-driven plot and paper-thin characters highlighting why the human aspect in these movies should be prioritized as equally as the dino mayhem and visual splendor. The worst forms of characterization in this Colin Trevorrow-directed mess come in the form of the return of the beloved trio of Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern), Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum).

The three actors phone in their performances, but who could blame them given the atrocious script they had to work with? Dr. Grant lacked the gravitas he showcased in his first outing, Sattler her bravery and Malcolm his wit, leading to a reunion that feels pandering and devoid of the weight it should have had given it was nearly 30 years since they had shared the screen up until that point.

All in all, this trilogy-capper is now unfortunately a seminal example of the pitfalls of trying to mine nostalgia in Hollywood tentpoles.

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