10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

7. Relying On Bringing Back Dead Characters For Shock Value - The Fast Saga

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Rey
Universal Pictures

The Fast Franchise is no stranger to preposterous plot beats and over-the-top, physics-defying action, but in recent years it has taken flack from its fans for its overreliance on resurrecting dead characters for shock value.

As one would imagine, bringing back the dead in a franchise where the stakes are so high yet so weightless is not the best play, and fans have come to notice this. This soap opera-esque trope already pushed the franchise’s paper-thin threads of credibility with Letty’s comeback in Fast Six and Han’s return in Fast Nine before reaching new and somehow even more illogical heights with Gisele’s return in Fast X. 

At this point, seeing a last-minute save from Jakob Toretto in the next instalment is all but guaranteed despite his fiery demise in the 2023 exercise in excess.

While this narrative choice is not the sole reason for (admittedly minimal) diminishing box office returns and quality, it certainly does not help proceedings in a saga that has outstayed its welcome by at least four movies at this point.

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