10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

5. A Misguided Blend Of Old And New Bond Sensibilities - Spectre

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Spectre did not pay off as expected as the 2015 007 feature was a dull, tonally confused exercise that not only had the misfortune of bringing back Blofeld, but also didn't know what to do with him as a character other than lazily making him Bond’s step-brother.

Unlike Skyfall, which offered a welcome insight into Bond's pre-007 life, this familial twist does not add much to the legendary spy, and this was not helped by Blofeld being a pale imitation of his over-the-top preceding incarnations.

Additionally, the above-mentioned tonal issues further cemented that Craig's Bond was better off in his more grounded expression, warts and all.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.