10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

4. Shoehorning Venom Into A Film He Didn't Belong - Spider-Man 3

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Rey
Sony Pictures

Before Spider-Man 3’s release in 2007, the franchise (and character) were riding high on the success of the previous two Sam Raimi-directed features. Therefore, many fans looked forward to the threequel superhero epic, especially its inclusion of the mainstay Spidey villain Venom.

Unfortunately, Raimi did not feel the same way about the character, and instead wanted to focus on Sandman and Harry Osborn’s respective stories and their personal ties to Peter Parker. He even expressed his disconnect with the character as being part of the reason why Eddie Brock's alter-ego did not feature in the film.

However, Sony studio stalwart Avi Arad had other plans for the symbiotic foe. Arad reportedly felt that the Lethal Protector’s increased presence would cater to new comic book fans, who were becoming a sizable part of the audience at that time.

Due to this studio-imposed feature, Venom’s presence in the film felt like an afterthought and not that of a creative process that was conducive and collaborative.

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