10 Times Movies Went To Extreme Lengths For Scenes That Didn’t Make The Cut

6. Gangster Squad - A Pivotal Shoot-Out Is Scrapped After Real-Life Cinema Shooting

Steve Carrell
Warner Bros.

As we've noted already on this list, sometimes an elaborate scene can work perfectly fine in the lead-up to a project being released unto the world, only for a tragic real-world incident to seriously alter the end product.

Hot on the heels of a horrendous shooting taking place in a cinema around the time of the release of The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, Ruben Fleischer's Gangster Squad suddenly found itself in a precarious position. That's because this gangster thriller set in 1949 contained a notable scene involving a particularly gnarly shootout inside of the Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

Despite already airing sections of this grand display of violence - which must've taken a significant time to shoot - in TV spots and trailers for the flick, the decision was made to hold off on releasing the Ryan Gosling-starring picture so appropriate reshoots could be captured and infused into the feature. A subsequent shootout in Chinatown was eventually used instead. But that still didn't do the star-studded flop any favours at the box office, with Gangster Squad only making a weak $100 million on a £75 million budget.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...