10 Times Movies Went To Extreme Lengths For Scenes That Didn’t Make The Cut

5. Blue Velvet - Flaming Nipples Are "Too Much Of A Good Thing"

Steve Carrell
De Laurentiis Entertainment Group

Not for the last time in this glorious collection of scenes that weren't destined for the final cut, here's a moment when a performer was made to feel the burn for real, only for all that scorching hard work to be left on the cutting room floor.

For an age, avid fans of David Lynch's captivating neo-noir Blue Velvet had been clamouring for the sections of the tale that were discarded in order to produce a more slick two-hour cut. It may have taken a while but said deleted scenes were finally discovered by an MGM tech known as Darren Gross, revealing a moment that Lynch himself had assumed was lost forever.

Coming during a scene which saw Frank threaten a dude chilling with a bunch of barely-clothed women in a bar, the director's self-professed fave sequence involved one of said ladies literally lighting her nipples on fire. This was a trick she'd skilfully learned over the years and offered up for the shot, something Lynch was all too happy to take her up on.

When asked why this "favourite" scene wasn't included in the theatrical cut, Lynch simply responded, "It was too much of a good thing."


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...