10 Times The MCU Gave Fans EXACTLY What They Wanted

9. Thor's Wakanda Entrance - Avengers: Infinity War

Spider Man No Way Home
Marvel Studios

As remarkable as practical action can be, the thrill of a larger-than-life slice of fan service speaks for itself, as exemplified by Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) unforgettable arrival on Wakanda during Avengers: Infinity War's final battle.

After having Eitri the Dwarf King (Peter Dinklage) create his new battle-axe Stormbreaker, Thor travels to Wakanda along with Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper) and Groot (Vin Diesel), arriving just as the Avengers have become overrun by the Outriders.

On Wakanda, the presence of the Bifrost obliterates a number of enemies, before Stormbreaker hurtles through the crowd of Outriders and disables many more.

Thor then stands heroically with Rocket and Groot, as the Avengers all express enormous relief at seeing their pal come to the rescue.

Thor shouts "Bring me Thanos!" as he runs towards the Outriders, then jumps into the air and brings the axe down, thoroughly wrecking hundreds of the creatures with his godly, lightning-infused might.

If Infinity War was instrumental in making Thor a fan favourite character, it was this single scene that confirmed it, giving fans a moment of fist-pumping catharsis ahead of, well, that ending.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.