10 Times The MCU Totally Subverted Expectations

7. Hawkeye Not Dying In Age Of Ultron

The Mandarin
Marvel Studios

Hawkeye has never really had his moment. Sure, he was a part of the battle in New York during The Avengers, but he's never had his own movie nor many appearances in other characters' films. This helped lead to people thinking Marvel Studios were planning to kill him off. When Joss Whedon claimed a main character would die permanently in Age Of Ultron, everyone looked towards Clint.

Hawkeye never had the best luck in the movies. In The Avengers, he was out of commission for a while as he was brainwashed by Loki. Then in Age Of Ultron he gets injured fairly early on. It's not surprising then that fans started to expect his demise towards the end of the film, especially since he'd had more screen time than before, and we finally got introduced to his family. It seemed they were building up to something ominous.

According to Whedon, all of that seeding was done as misdirection, so we all really felt the REAL death...

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A grown up... allegedly