10 Marvel Movie Characters We All Thought Were Dead

3. Thor

After having been exiled to Earth, Thor finds himself in a small New Mexico town. He sees the Destroyer Armour from his home realm arriving in the distance. It is Loki controlling the armour, having sent it to kill Thor so that he could secure Asgard€™s throne for himself. Thor approaches the armour - a noble act indeed - with the intention of trying to get through to Loki. However, that was never going to work and, with Thor being powerless thanks to Odin's punishment, it was only ever going to end one way. Loki lashed out at the very mortal Thor, killing him. However, the act of nobility that Thor committed in order to confront the armour was enough to make him worthy of Mjolnir once more. The powerful Asgardian hammer made a beeline for the warrior, resurrecting him, complete with all of the powers Thor is so famous for having.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.