10 Marvel Movie Characters We All Thought Were Dead

4. Bucky Barnes

In Captain America: The First Avenger, Bucky Barnes - alongside his good friend Steve Rogers - was part of a team that was assembled to assault a train with HYDRA's Arnim Zola on board. Unfortunately, after taking a big shot from an opponent, he was thrown outside the train and was forced to hang on to a rail. The rail gave way and Barnes fell to his apparent death in to the snowy, rocky abyss, much to Rogers' devastation. However, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it was revealed that he had been found by Soviet soldiers some time later, alive but with an non-salvageable arm. He eventually ended up in HYDRA custody and, through, brainwashing and experiments performed on him during his time as their prisoner, he became the extremely formidable Winter Soldier - complete with super-strong bionic arm.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.