10 Times You Wanted Things From Movies (THAT DIDN'T ACTUALLY EXIST)

8. Atom Zone (Alien: Resurrection)

Avengers Ice Cream
20th Century Fox/Reddit

On top of ultimately creating the 2000 tie-in video game that would eventually be released three years on from the film itself's debut, Argonaut Games were also tasked with creating a game that would solely pop up in the feature alone.

Said arcade game was visible on the Betty ship and went by the name of Atom Zone, with many stopping by to take in the latest Xenomorph action going down in Alien: Resurrection likely wondering when they'd get the chance to dive into the cool looking Atom Zone adventure for themselves at some point.

Only, despite actually managing to create a fully playable game at one stage, the game was ultimately reduced down to merely a demo that only contained what the director required for the flick.

There was actually talk of offering Atom Zone as a sweet free additional piece of content when unleashing the aforementioned eventual tie-in game down the road, but that idea also failed to become a reality on the back of the main game being so damn tasking to create in the first place.

So, fans just had to settle for glimpsing the still unplayable arcade game in the finished Resurrection PlayStation game's Betty level instead.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...