10 Tiny Annoying Details In Movies You Can't Unsee

1. The Air Punches - The Dark Knight Rises

Se7en Counting
Warner Bros.

Having recently been voted as the 'film of the decade' over four days worth of Twitter polls, it is safe to say that The Caped Crusader has cemented his place as a legend of the industry. Huge-scale choreographed battle scenes, dire circumstances and compelling drama help to make The Dark Knight Rises an important film in modern Hollywood, and the huge success of this rendition of Batman is unlikely to be matched again. Certainly not by Robert Pattinson, anyway.

We see Batman fight his way through multiple skirmishes with Bane's goons, overcoming unfair fights of ten-to-one with relative ease. This, however, could be down to the absolute incompetency of many of his foes.

Throwing themselves to the floor despite not being touched, swinging fists and batons at thin air, aiming a gun directly at Batman only to not take the shot and pull away... Despite weeks of dedication to the well-planned choreography, these extras just seemed to want to throw themselves to the floor and writhe in agony as quickly as they possibly could.

There were many laughable moments from the extras throughout this film that have inspired gifs and memes, with people seemingly returning to The Dark Knight Rises just to find as many as possible. I think Bane should have hired better henchmen.

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Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.