10 Tiny Annoying Details In Movies You Can't Unsee

8. The Impossible Romance - Braveheart

Se7en Counting

This one's a slight cheat, as it's not so much what you can't unsee as it is what you can't unlearn. Braveheart is a well regarded epic of storytelling in film with Mel Gibson giving one of his greatest ever performances on the silver screen.

It is also known for taking a lot of liberties in real-world history. Whilst William Wallace most definitely existed, he did rebel against the English invaders and he was executed via hanging, drawing and quartering in London, there are multiple scenarios in Gibson's film that simply could not have happened. Enter: Isabella of France.

In the film Isabella is first introduced in the second act when she is sent to parlé with Wallace. She eventually becomes infatuated with him, and reveals her father-in-law aims to invade Scotland in retaliation. Their relationship is a slow burn that leads to a love affair, with Isabella apparently becoming pregnant to Wallace.

In reality, this timeline of events is quite literally impossible. At the battle of Falkirk, when Braveheart alleges the pairing first met, not only was Isabella of France not in Scotland, but she was also just three years old. Even at the time of Wallace's death, she had just turned ten, meaning their on-screen relationship is entirely fabricated, and a large portion of this historical-fiction relies far more heavily on the fiction.

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Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.