10 Tired Film Franchises That Desperately Need A Break

5. James Bond

Josh Trank Fantastic Four

That's right, I said it.

The now nearly six decades-old franchise has been a staple of Hollywood since before you were born, and it's about time that they took a bloody break. Especially seeing as all it's done recently is rip off literally everything about the Bourne films in a floundering attempt to stay relevant.

Now, a decade-plus removed, Bond seems utterly lost and aimless. 2015's Spectre was a shambles, not being able to decide what it wanted to be, ultimately making Bond incredible boring. Part of this is also down to Daniel Craig, who has expressed interest in leaving the franchise SEVERAL times. And boy-oh-boy, does it show.

After a great deal of back and forth, it looks as though Craig will return for one final go at the role. But what would be best for our beloved spy would be something he hasn't had in a long time: A true break.

A few years off would give Bond a chance to actually be relevant again, rather than simply struggling to keep up with whatever the hot action trend of the moment is. Bond is an institution, a legendary franchise that deserves to be an innovator in the world of cinema, not a cheap knock-off.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.