10 Tiresome Actors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

9. Tom Cruise

CruiseWhat He Was Doing Ten Years Ago: Jumping off high buildings/doing sci-fi. Tom Cruise has been at the height of the movie industry for almost thirty years, but unlike many actors who tend to develop with time, he€™s not really moved his career on since Mission: Impossible (that€™s now seventeen years old). Last decade he was still starring in blockbusters as the big action hero; M:I sequels, some sci-fi and a couple of €˜acting€™ performances, he was versatile and well liked. And he did his own stunts. What He€™s Doing Now: Jumping off high buildings/doing sci-fi. Jack Reacher wasn€™t talked about as the adaptation of the popular novel series and Rock Of Ages wasn€™t the big screen version of the Broadway musical; they were both colloquially known as €˜The New Tom Cruise Movie€™. But while some would say that€™s proof of his continued ability as a leading man, the respectively average and terrible box office of those films should speak otherwise. With a new Mission: Impossible in the works, and Oblivion making way for similar sci-fi All You Need Is Kill the only thing that€™s changed for Cruise is he no longer goes for the interesting roles (The Last Samurai, Collateral). What he does is still OK, but it€™s too samey, identical to what€™s been done before. And still doing his own stunts is cool-ish, but a bit silly; he€™s 51.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.