10 Tiresome Actors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

6. Samuel L. Jackson

Sam JacksonWhat He Was Doing Ten Years Ago: Being a badass mother f**ker. Watch any performance from Samuel L. Jackson before Pulp Fiction and it€™s almost like watching a different actor. His turns in the likes of Goodfellas and JurassicPark are so nondescript and unimposing it€™s almost unnerving. Tarantino€™s magnum opus showed a raw badassness (not a word, but it should be) that allowed the actor to capitalise on the very specific, but not heavily populated cool black guy niche. So ubiquitous with that type he even did a more family friendly turn in the Star Wars prequels. What He€™s Doing Now: Being a badass mother f**ker. Mace Windu was a tempered down, commercial version of his normal style and so is Nick Fury (both characters in fact follow very similar paths, evolving from a shadowy leader to serious action man). But it€™s not just in blockbusters he€™s stayed the same €“ over the past ten years Jackson has never travelled far from the style that made his name. Django Unchained showed a slightly different side the actor with a disturbing turn as the slave hand Stephen, but even that was sending up the badass vein. Still, that, along with his role in the upcoming Oldboy remake, may show Jackson accepting he€™s aging and realising it might be time to try for a different angle.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.