10 Tiresome Actors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

5. Adam Sandler

jack and jillWhat He Was Doing Ten Years Ago: Making comedies everyone hates but still make money. Sandler used to carry quite a bit of favour with audiences. Happy Gilmore marked him out, but the target quickly moved to the lowest common denominator. 2002 suggested some change with Punch-Drunk-Love, but as that movie moved from new release to classic, it became clear Sandler was into banality for the long term. What He€™s Doing Now: Making comedies everyone hates but still make money. If anything, he€™s got worse. His attempts at depth have been dry and boring (although Funny People was as much Apatow€™s problem as his) and the comedies got increasingly broad and self congratulating. Next to the back-slapping, ball wounding Grown Ups franchise (sick, but after the second€™s release unfortunately not sic) the predictable intrigue of Click seems like a masterwork. Root down to the core values though and nothing€™s really changed. Worse of all, the general public seem to still like him (look at Grown Ups 2€™s sickening box office takings); he won€™t be going anywhere. What makes him noteworthy on this list is how it€™s not just his acting that€™s the issue; he produces many of these movies too, making this continued direction entirely of his own doing.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.