10 Tiresome Directors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

1. M. Night Shyamalan

Known For: Earning a Best Director Oscar nomination for his work on the mega-successful thriller The Sixth Sense, which he followed up with the acclaimed Unbreakable and Signs before, well, you know. The Last 10 Years: It's pretty much a decade ago that Shyamalan began his disastrous descent into movie mediocrity, followed by complete creative stagnation. The Village was a disastrous misfire that featured an unnecessary plot twist (as his films then became widely criticised for), Lady in the Water was daft, The Happening was unintentionally hilarious, The Last Airbender looked like a cheap high school production, and After Earth starred Will Smith yet put him in a chair for most of the film's run-time. Shyamalan has just dug a hole for himself over the last 10 years with his wildly unoriginal, dramatically inert sci-fi and fantasy flicks. What We'd Love To See: A return to lower-budget fare, much like the movie Devil which he produced. Given how disgraced Shyamalan's name is even with casual audiences these days, it's unsurprising that his next two directorial efforts are a comedy and a drama rather than expensive tentpole flicks. Our fingers are very much crossed they might restore a little of his creative insight! Did we miss any supremely lazy filmmakers? Let us know in the comments!
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.