10 Tiresome Directors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

2. Tim Burton

Tim BurtonKnown For: A litany of stylistically extravagant movies, such as Beetlejuice, two Batman flicks, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sweeney Todd, Alice in Wonderland and many, many more. The Last 10 Years: Burton is so accustomed to the success of his gothic style that more often than not stars either or both Johnny Depp and his wife Helena Bonham Carter, that he's pretty much just turned on cruise control and directed a number of stylistically excellent yet narratively empty films over the decade. Particular offenders are Alice in Wonderland and Dark Shadows, though even his better recent films, such as Sweeney Todd and Frankenweenie, pander cynically to Burton's strangely devoted fanbase, who will hoover up everything he has to offer just because it looks nice or stars Depp. What We'd Love To See: A total stylistic divergence for the director in which Depp and Carter are nowhere to be seen. His upcoming drama Big Eyes certainly fits the bill, and with plenty of Oscar hype surrounding its release, looks like it just might be the director's best film in well over a decade.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.