10 Tiresome Directors Who’ve Done Nothing New In The Last Ten Years

9. Joel Schumacher

Joel-SchumacherKnown For: Classic flicks such as The Lost Boys, Falling Down, The Client, A Time to Kill, and Phone Booth. Then there's two Batman movies, in Batman Forever and the infamously awful Batman and Robin (which nevertheless led to Batman Begins, so...thanks?) The Last 10 Years: Schumacher's The Phantom of the Opera was a bore, The Number 23 was hilariously awful, Blood Creek was a glorified straight-to-video horror flick, and as for Twelve and Trespass, they're not much better. In fairness to Schumacher, he's dabbled in just about every genre over the course of his career, so perhaps it's not entirely fair to say he's done nothing new over the last decade, just that he's done nothing new that also happens to be worth watching. Coasting doesn't even describe it. What We'd Love To See: If his work on Netflix's House of Cards is any indication, Schumacher needs a sizzling political thriller to put him back on top.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.