10 Top Class Actors In Desperate Need Of A Hit

8. Mike Myers

Dark Phoenix Magneto Michael Fassbender
New Line Cinema

The fall of Mike Myers is a truly shocking one, as there was a time when he was one of the biggest comedy actors in the business, and then all of a sudden, he was gone. Many people like to point to The Love Guru as an explanation for this, and that seems to be an accurate point, as afterwards, the only high-profile leading role he had was through the use of his voice in the final Shrek movie.

Myers excellent position on SNL made him a significant presence in the comedy world, and as soon as he began making his own films, he seemed destined to last forever. Wayne's world and the Austin Powers series were incredibly popular and threw him into stardom just as quickly as The Love Guru plummeted him into obscurity.

So what could Myers do to come back into the spotlight? There has been talk about a sequel to the third Austin Powers film for years now, but the project doesn't seem like it's ever going to get off the ground. He is currently in pre-production for a Netflix series in which he will play multiple characters, let's hope for his sake that it's the hit he needs.


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