10 Totally Badass Movie Cops You Don't Want To Mess With

2. Robocop (Robocop, 1987)

robocop_oo1 The Future of Law Enforcement, or Robocop to his friends, comes very close to topping this list but just misses out on the top spot. Despite being totally badass and almost entirely mechanic in design the former cop known as Murphy has only one real weakness - his emotions. Unlike some of the other guys on the list (and our number one choice) Robocop runs largely on emotion and his desire to avenge his own 'death' and get back the family who loved him but have no idea he is really still alive ... kinda. But once you take that out of the equation he's a lean, mean ass kicking machine with the ingrained objectives to protect the innocent and uphold the law. He has built in targeting systems which means he's never going to miss if he's shooting at you, has a single Wolverine-style claw and handily comes with his own basic version of GPS so he knows where you are before even you do. Escape is not an option. Resisting arrest is a bad idea. Like Robocop says in the movie: "Come quietly or there will be trouble". You have been warned.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.